Sunday, May 8, 2011

Clark Park May Fair

 Today was one of those days that embodies what I hope I see when I look back on my life in thirty years.  The weather was amazing - sunny but not too hot.  There was a fair happening in our neighborhood park.  I walked around holding hands with my true love and laughing with my baby.  There were a ton of people out to enjoy the sunshine, music and farmers' market.  Food trucks lined the street and local organizations were engaging the community.  Leo enjoyed the live music and nursing in the sun.  We saw a few people we knew, met new people (Hi J!), and picked up some ingredients for dinner.

We went home and I cooked dinner with the back door and windows open.  We shared a family dinner, put Leo to bed and now jb and I are (barely) staying up to watch SNL and steal a little time together. 

Leo and friends enjoying Alex and the Kaleidoscope Band
I haven't been feeling well (headaches, cough and sore throat) so I wasn't expecting much out of today - and it was such a pleasant surprise.