These parts that make up my whole are not compartmentalized. There is endless overlap and intersection - but there are also issues that resonate especially with me because of a specific identity. This is why I like to hear viewpoints from the communities I'm a part of - and why I'm looking forward to watching We Decide this Sunday.
Premiering on nuvoTV on Aug. 19 at 8PM, the We Decide Latino town hall special will be moderated by award-winning journalist Natalie Morales and will feature a panel of high-profile experts who will engage with a live audience and other virtual participants connecting through social media platforms. The hour-long program will explore how the presidential candidates are addressing issues specific to America's Latinos, including unemployment, healthcare and education.When nuvoTV asked Latino/a bloggers what topics are important to us a long list came to mind. The DREAM Act, education funding, Medicare, healthcare reform, reproductive rights... One issue I hope isn't ignored, though, is LGBT equality. It has been a long-standing myth that the Latino community is not supportive of LGBT rights. I know my own experience with family and friends conflicts with that perception, and now solid evidence supports my experience.
Marriage equality is a hot issue this election season and a recent poll shows that the majority of Latinos support same-sex marriage. Both LULAC (The League of United Latin American Citizens) and NCLR (National Council of La Raza) - the oldest and largest (respectively) Latino groups in the nation - have come out publicly in support of marriage equality.
It's clear this is an issue that the Latino community cares about. I hope this election season sees constituencies (not just Latinos) reaching beyond the topics they are expected to care about and building coalitions that will bring out voting power together. What topics are important to you? Speak up by visiting We Decide's Facebook page and make sure the issues that matter to you are represented.
Disclosure: This post is compensated and in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and nuvoTV.
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