Wednesday, January 21, 2009


We've been laying low this month. It's been bitter cold and we've been hibernating. It's been freezing for weeks now - and last week we had the coldest day in 15 years and our little 150 year old home is struggling to keep warm.

Yesterday's inauguration celebrations were unfortunately tempered by a nasty stomach flu - but I think I'm starting to feel better. What an incredible moment in history (Obama, not the stomach flu). I'm a little sad we aren't in DC for it - but we had our fair share of history in DC.

My two month trial at the Y ran out and since I've been going pretty consistently I renewed for a whole year (yikes). Of course, the day after I renewed I got sick - so I haven't been back since. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be feeling up to getting back to it.

In two and a half weeks I'm going to visit Muffy!! I'm so excited to see her. It's not natural for sisters to be apart this long.


  1. Are you at the Y downtown or on the N. side? Just curious if I'd run into you (I'm downtown).

  2. i'm at the Y by your house every Wednesday for dodgeball. Its got great machines!

  3. Anonymous1/23/2009

    what are you trying to do to me with that title? i'm going to be stuttering all day now.

  4. Does the Northside Y have parking? The lack of parking for the two downtown Y's deters me from going daily.

  5. Yay! I love seeing you at the Y, I'm glad you signed up for the year!
