Thursday, July 9, 2009

Al Agua Patos!

Today is Larissa's 17th Birthday! To celebrate we spent the day at Las Huertas which are natural sulphorous springs that are open for swimming. They are about an hour south of Cuernavaca (about a kilometer before the state line between Morelos and Guerrero), so we piled into the car in the morning and headed out. On the way we picked up enough junk food to last us through the day - gansitos, cacahuates enchilados, and jalepeno chips.

The springs are beautiful - shaded by trees and filled with fish. They run down the mountain creating small waterfalls and natural jacuzzi-like pools. The deeper pools are nice and cool and the shallower pools are quickly warmed by the sun. We had a blast swimming and splashing and getting some sun. Mostly it was Larissa, Nick and I fooling around in the water, but even mom and dad got in on the fun.

It was a great day - but a long one in the sun, so by the time 5 pm rolled around we were exhausted and hungry. We piled back into the car and headed to get some tacos (al pastor y de suadero) and agua de jamaica. Once we ate we were pretty much ready to call it a day - so now we are home relaxing and making plans for tomorrow.


  1. rather than post a comment on each individual moment of seemingly awesomeness, i figured i'd just do one...that being said, wow. the pictures are incredible; i can usually only pick out "cheese" or "meat" with my spanish skills, but the food sounds delicious. sulfur springs? mountain top vistas? ancient pyramids? homey little mexican villages? incredible. i hope you're having a great time with your family. please wish larissa a happy birthday from all the burgans. can't wait to see you!! (mostly because i haven't had a spring roll in weeks)

  2. mexico is just so awesome! we should all do this again sometime-exact same itinerary

  3. this reminds me a bit of our trip out west. though, the post would have received bonus points had it included photos of you 'fooling around in the water.'

  4. Anonymous7/23/2009

    that was a very funny day!
