Thursday, December 5, 2013

DDoW: Day Five

Today's darkest days of winter activity was a night-time walk to the neighborhood light-up night.  With sunset happening before five, it was no problem taking a "night" walk while still getting home before bedtime.

I armed the kids with flashlights to illuminate the way and we stopped along the walk to check out the decorations and lights of the houses in the neighborhood.

It was raining, but wasn't very chilly.  When we arrived Leo was thrilled to run around in the street (which was blocked off) - but Zoe was sad because she had to mostly stay in the stroller.  She so wanted to join her brother running with the big kids, but between generally being wobbly on her feet and the added clumsiness that comes when she's tired I worried she'd take a major spill right into a puddle, so she had to make due with the stroller, some popcorn and the flashlight.

The festival was really nice with carolers, live music, popcorn, hot cider, glow necklaces and even a guy making mini-ice-sculptures and handing them out to the kids.  

The block was closed off

Leo loved the music

Ice sculputres

Aunt Lissa and Zoe

We stopped in to the coffee shop where Uncle Nick works for a hot cocoa break.  It was Zoe's first hot cocoa - and she was a big fan.  Uncle Nick made them just right (warm, not hot and with half the amount of cocoa he'd use for a regular order).

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The evening was pretty soggy, but Leo didn't seem to mind.  In fact, he had way more fun than I expected.  Light up night lived up to it's name - just look at this kid's face.  Today was definitely brightened.

Light up night

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