Today's darkest days of winter activity was to write our wishlists. Leo wanted to write his own (I helped with spelling and some letters). My family joked that reading his list was a good way to keep your mind sharp - super duper brain teaser. Can you read all eight items on the list? It's not easy...
I put a translation at the bottom, so don't scroll down if you want to try and figure it out.
I had to keep reminding him that he was making a list of gifts that people *might* get him, because he kept thinking of things for other people Favorites included: Sippy cup for Zoe, a birdhouse for Abi, and a shovel for jb (to shovel all the streets of Philadelphia).
I mentioned that I helped with spelling...I do know that there is no W in dollhouse and that sand doesn't start with a silent L. Also: dollhouse started out as "an eight story dollhouse" and I had to manage some expectations. I was happy that there were some practical inclusions like the blanket, pjs and shoes. Now for the hard part: getting the rest of my family to write their wishlists.
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